Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine

Current Western herbal medicine is constantly evolving. Our Naturopaths are current with the latest scientific research, biochemistry and extraction methods to ensure current quality-assured medicines are administered for presenting conditions. All herbal medicines used by our practitioners are from "practitioner only" herbal medicine suppliers, to ensure a high standard of quality for patients.

Naturopathy/Naturopathic Medicine, is a system of health care which supports the bodies innate healing mechanisms, through the use of natural medicine.

Naturopaths identify areas of the body that aren't functioning optimally to treat both acute and chronic conditions.

Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual, identifying areas of disease or dysfunction in order to promote healing.

This is acheived through the use of Herbal Medicine, Nutritional Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, and Massage Therapy.

Naturopathic care is well suited to any person of any age to give the body the best possible ability to heal itself.